Bountiful Signature is a high energy signature-style script font guaranteed to make a big impression. Digitally hand-drawn, it's super-clean smooth flow and high-intensity pen strokes make an unmistakeable impact in logo/branding projects, large header text and product packaging.
1.Uppercase & Lowercase
2.Numer & Punctuation
3.Multilingual support
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Now just read this, go there and make it happen :)
Download Now Server 1 Download Now Server 3 Download Now Server 2 Herina is an uppercase serif font with charming curves of each letter form. This font is inspired by the letters of the past that are very beautiful and combined with a modern appearance that has a charming shape. With abstract shapes elements that give a modern impression of the results of this combination. Its wide range of standard ligature and stylistic alternates allows versatile design options and works perfectly for headlines, logos, posters, packaging, T-shirts, postcards and much more. Furthermore, I included a bonus of 30 shapes element, which I used for this presentation! Thank you! Download Herina Font Family From Graptail